Frequently Asked Questions


We define LebensMittelPunkte as places with self-organized neighborhood activities —  in the areas of Depots, Kitchens and Meeting Points – which are also part of the Berlin-wide LebensMittelPunkte network. On the start page you can find more information about the individual areas of a LebensMittelPunkt (“LebensMittelPunkte are..”).

LMPs are places where regular Depot and Kitchen events are already happening. 

LMP initiatives refer to all groups and actors, who are working on building up such regular events and have already taken first steps in this direction.

Currently there are 27 LMP initiatives in Berlin, 4 of which are classified as ‘finished’ LebensMittelPunkte.

Yes, the idea has already spread to places like  Brandenburg and Freiburg, for example. However, what LebensMittelPunkte are is defined slightly differently in other places, adapted to the situation and needs of each region.


The LMP Network is the alliance of all LebensMittelPunkt initiatives in Berlin. You can find more information at About Us.

We are a decentralized network. The individual LMP initiatives are self-organized – they develop their activities themselves, usually with a lot of volunteer commitment. The Project Office of the LMP Network is organized by Das Baumhaus (see: Project Space).

The LebensMittelPunkte Network has been around since 2020. Again, you can find more info on our About Us page.

All LMP initiatives are part of the network. As soon as you get involved in an existing LMP initiative, start a new LMP initiative yourself or get involved in the LMP support team, you become part of the network! (see also: Join Us)

Food System Change

Good and healthy food for everyone is possible — but the reality we live in is very different. The global food system is in crisis, ranging from food insecurity and malnutrition to overconsumption, environmental degradation and climate catastrophes. We need a transformation of the food system, from production to trade to consumption. Changing eating habits is also an important component.

The Ernährungsrat Berlin is a civil society coalition for a sustainable food and agricultural policy in the Berlin area. Website of the Berlin Food Policy Council

The Berlin Senate has set itself the task of developing a viable, sustainable and regionally oriented food strategy for the city. An initial action plan was developed through a participatory process. Projects are being implemented, promoted and connected with each other. Website of the Berlin Food Policy from the Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection.


There are many ways — everyone can contribute! You can help out once or regularly in an existing LMP initiative, start a new LMP initiative yourself or get involved in the LMP support team. More information can be found at Join Us.

That’s great to hear! The first step is to meet with our project office team. Just send an e-mail to

We will be very happy to add the space to our resource list (email to: However, we cannot promise that a LebensMittelPunkt will be set up there, because these are set up independently by local actors. If committed individuals from your neighborhood contact us and are looking for a space, we will connect you! And if you want to start something yourself, we offer extensive advice and support 🙂

Yes, we consult and support actors from other cities and regions within the scope of our capacities. Again, just send an email to the project office team:!